Human Energy Concealment: TTHA Member Discount Program Offer!
The medical world has known for decades that living bodies produce electromagnetic (EM) energy. Through years of careful research and independent scientific testing it was discovered that in many situations it is actually this EM energy that animals use to identify nearby danger and pick up on the first hint of movement. The use of conductive fibers situated in a specific interlocking grid pattern is the most accepted method to block EM energy (the grid in your microwave oven door works the same way). HECS Energy Cloak TM Fabric features an interlocking conductive carbon grid that blocks up to 90% of the human EM field. Game animals and birds will be more relaxed and much less aware of your presence which leads to more and better shot opportunities. Order your HECS products today at http://www.hecsllc.com/! Upon checkout, enter the TTHA member promo code: TTHA2011 to receive $10.00 off on any HECS product.