The deer lease is 65 acres of high fence 5.3 miles west of Hwy 281 on Hwy 46. It is 20 miles North of San Antonio. The ranch is on the north side of HWY 46, 200 yards west of the St Joseph Catholic Honey Creek Church. Quality south Texas bucks and does have lived here for 8 years , from the Contigo Ranch. They have been fed protein pellets 24/7 since arriving.
There are 3 protein feeders, with a 1,000 pound capacity, each, with 6 feed chutes per feeder. Also is a high end ground blind for 2 people to shoot from and currently it is 100 yards from a 600 pound capacity corn spin cast feeder. 4 game cams watch this feeder. There is also a quality 15 foot tall tower blind, currently over looking the 3 protein feeders. These 14 bucks and 5 does consume 1 ton of pellets per month at a cost of $600.
My goal is to lease the 65 acres, including all equipment, and all the deer to a responsible party for $15,000 per year. The responsible party can decide on the harvest criteria they want to use. I will pay the protein and corn bills. A multi-year agreement would maximize the trophy aspects.
Call Dennis Dawson 210-602-6360 or email [email protected] for questions.