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VP Candidate Ryan Addresses Sportsmen’s Super-Rally

By August 11th, 2023No Comments

Before a sold-out audience of hunters, anglers, trappers and U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance members, 2012 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Congressman Paul Ryan let the gathered know—he’s one of them. He also had praise for the benefits of hunting and fishing. “Hunters and anglers are the best conservationists. It is very critical that we pass it on to the next generation,” said Congressman Ryan. “Youth learn such great life lessons when you take them hunting.” Ryan spoke about his experience as a hunter, and how this influence helps him make critical conservation and natural resources decisions as an elected official. Plus, he noted how important the 2012 election is to sportsmen and women.

Ryan was the headline speaker at the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Annual “Save Our Heritage” Rally on Sept. 29 in Columbus, Ohio. Numerous sportsmen’s clubs, conservation organizations, state wildlife agency employees, and sportsmen and women gathered to hear firsthand the Congressman’s views on hunting, trapping and fishing. “Congressman Ryan’s speech at this prestigious national sportsmen’s event clearly shows how important the votes of sportsmen and women are this year,” said USSA President and CEO Bud Pidgeon. “The Republican Vice-President nominee proved he truly understands our issues and is a strong champion of our hunting heritage. Regardless of your political affiliation, you understand he’s definitely one of us.” The culmination of the event was the drawing of the grand prize—an 18-acre hunting paradise in eastern Ohio. Attendees also won special hunts, fishing adventures and firearms, including a special edition Ithaca shotgun with the Romney-Ryan campaign logo carved into the stock. This fine firearm was autographed by Congressman Ryan at the event.—courtesy U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance

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