Al Brothers of Berclair and Horace Gore of Lorena are two veterans well known to TTHA. Both were Aggies in the 1960s. Gore returned from the Army to attend Texas A&M University, and Brothers entered A&M from high school in Gonzales.
Al Brothers was a standout in the A&M Corps of Cadets, and joined the Army at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, after graduating in 1960. He spent two years at Ft. Sill in an armored unit, and also worked as range wildlife officer while on his tour of duty. Upon returning from the Army, Brothers worked for the old Game and Fish Commission—later Texas Parks and Wildlife Department—and eventually became ranch/wildlife manager for the Zachry ranches near Laredo. He’s retired at Berclair, between Beeville and Goliad, and raises a few quality cattle and a lot of whitetails, Rio Grande turkey, and feral hogs.
Horace Gore served two years at Ft. Bliss, Ft. Leonard Wood, and Ft. Hood, and returned to civilian life in 1965. He attended Texarkana Junior College, then transferred to Texas A&M in 1958. Gore and Brothers met at A&M and became lifelong friends and hunting compadres. During Gore’s days with TPWD, he and Brothers hunted a lot together, both in dove fields and deer camps. After retiring from TPWD in 1993, Gore eventually moved to the Kokernot Ranch in Gonzales where he spent 22 years enjoying ranch wildlife. During that time, TTHA founder Jerry Johnson offered Gore the job of editor of The Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters, and he is presently serving his 28th year.
The military was good for Brothers and Gore, with each contributing much to Texas society, hunting, and wildlife conservation in Texas. We wish them and everyone else who served a happy Veterans Day.