The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has published its Final Rule to remove the permit exemptions for the sale of hunts and the hunting of members of U.S. captive herds of Scimitar-Horned Oryx, Dama Gazelle and Addax. The Final Rule will go into effect April 4, 2012. As of that date, one or more permits will be required for hunting and other forms of “take” of members of these herds. Safari Club International is currently engaged in litigation to try to remove these animals from the endangered species list and to make permits unnecessary for continued hunts and sales of hunts. Their lawyers are seeking information about how the announcement of the new rule has affected those who own these animals and who want to hunt them. Let them hear from you. Has the price of your scimitar-horned oryx, dama gazelle and addax decreased in the last month? Have you tried to sell one or more of these animals at auction and been unable to find a buyer or received less than in previous sales? Have you sold off your herd? Have you had to cancel scheduled hunts or have others cancelled their hunts with you? What other consequences have you suffered or noticed as a result of the impending rule? Please share your experiences and help protect the continued sustainable use conservation of these three species. Contact Anna Seidman at [email protected] or 202-543-8733.