San Antonio, Texas – Texas Trophy Hunters Association (TTHA) is proud to announce that TROPHY HUNTERS TV® has received three Telly Awards as part of the 32nd Annual Telly Awards. Each year, the Telly Awards receive over 13,000 entries from agencies and production companies in all 50 states and many foreign countries. TROPHY HUNTERS TV® was awarded a Silver Telly Award, in the category of Political Commentary, for its episode “Tyranny to Texas” featuring the NRA-ILA’s Manager of Hunting Policy, Darren LaSorte and his insights on the role of the NRA in hunting. Bronze Telly Awards were achieved for the categories of Nature/Wildlife for the episode “Hunting with a Heavy Heart” and Use of Music for the episode “Battle Scars”. Less than 10% of entries are chosen as Winners of a Silver Telly, the highest honor. Other outstanding work is awarded a Bronze Telly. “We are so blessed and humbled to have received these awards,” states Joe Betar, TTHA President. “This recognition is a testament to the outstanding work and long hours put in by our entire production team at TTHA’s First Take Media, the camera persons in the field and our host, Matt Hughes. We thank the Silver Telly Council, our viewers and our program sponsors-Nikon® Sport Optics, Mossy Oak® Brand Camo, Cuddeback® Digital, Barnes® Bullets, Browning®, Otis® Technology, Big & J Industries, Barnett® Crossbows, MB Ranch King Blinds and Morrell Targets.” TROPHY HUNTERS TV® host, 9x UFC® champion and Hall of Famer, Matt Hughes, adds “I am really proud of the guys in the studio and in the field. Hunting is the fun part. These guys are the ones that shoot the footage, complete the post-production, and ultimately tell the story.” “We are proud and thrilled to have been honored by these awards,” states Dean Schanbaum, Director of TTHA’s First Take Media television production department. “It’s great to have your work appreciated by others. That’s what entertainment is all about”. Says Preston Janis, Director and Editor of Trophy Hunters TV. Founded in 1978, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions, and web commercials, videos and films. The Telly Awards annually showcases the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world. The Telly Awards is a widely known and highly respected national and international competition. TROPHY HUNTERS TV® airs exclusively on Outdoor Channel, Saturdays at 8 pm EST/7 pm CST (check your provider for additional air days and times). Outdoor Channel may be found on DirecTV Channel 606, Dish Network Channel 396 or check your local cable provider for additional listings. ### TTHA strives to unite all segments of the hunting community for the dissemination of information and joining of energies to promote and protect our hunting heritage. Founded in 1975, TTHA, a membership-based organization, publishes a bimonthly magazine, The Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters™, and produces the award-winning outdoor television program, TROPHY HUNTERS TV®. In addition, TTHA hosts the Hunters Extravaganza® outdoor expositions, renowned as the largest whitetail hunting shows in the South. For membership information, please join online at www.ttha.com or contact TTHA Membership Services at (877) 261-2541.