TPWD Turkey Hunting Workshop In Grand Prarie
Discover the allure of spring turkey hunting and learn from the experts at Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) what it takes to get started during a half-day workshop Saturday, May 14, at the Grand Prairie Gun Club.
The workshop is a pilot for a new TPWD Hunting 101 series of skill-builders designed to give novices an introduction to hunting for a variety of wild game species. TPWD staff, along with volunteer hunter education instructors and partners such as the National Wild Turkey Federation, will present information about wild turkey species in Texas, their habitat and behaviors, discuss hunting laws and legal equipment, as well as the techniques used for hunting these magnificent birds. There will also be presentations on game care and cooking.
The workshop runs 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Grand Prairie Gun Club, 2330 Lower Tarrant Road in Grand Prairie. Space is limited and pre-registration requested. For more information, contact Monica Bickerstaff, TPWD North Texas Hunter Education Specialist, at 469-601-8349.