TPWD Proposes Changes to Mule Deer, Pronghorn Seasons
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is considering an experimental landowner controlled harvest pronghorn buck season. Wildlife officials are also proposing an extension of mule deer season under Managed Lands Deer Permits as part of recommended changes to the 2013-14 Statewide Hunting Proclamation. TPWD staff recommended extending mule deer season on MLDP properties through the end of January. Staff also proposed implementing an experimental buck-only harvest under the existing season length and bag limit without permit requirements in three herd units in the Panhandle. The potential changes are intended to increase recreational opportunity, decrease regulatory complexity where possible and provide for the sound biological management of the wildlife resources of the state.
Comments on the proposed rules may be submitted by phone or e-mail to Robert Macdonald (512) 389-4775; e-mail: [email protected], Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas 78744. Comments may also be submitted through the department’s Internet web site and at upcoming public meetings to be scheduled around the state. TPWD Public Hearing Calendar All meetings start at 7 p.m. March 4 –Alpine — Kokernot Lodge, 400 N Harrison St. –Jacksonville — Norman Activity Center, 526 E Commerce St. March 5 –Dickinson — Dickinson Marine Lab, 1502 FM 517 E –Fort Stockton — Pecos County Civic Center, N Hwy. 285 March 6 –Dallas/Fort Worth — Cabela’s Allen, #1 Cabela’s Dr. March 7 –Corpus Christi — Texas A&M Corpus Christi, NRC Rm. 1003, 6300 Ocean Dr. –Van Horn — El Capitan Hotel, 100 W Broadway March 11 –Lufkin — Angelina County Courthouse, 159th District Courtroom, 606 E Lufkin Ave. –Lubbock — Texas Agrilife Research and Extension Center, 1102 E. FM1294 March 12 –Dalhart — Dallam County Courthouse, 414 Denver Ave. –San Antonio — Lions Field Community Center, 2809 Broadway March 13 –Houston — Sheldon Lake State Park Regional HQ, 14500 Garret Rd. March 14 –Austin — TPWD Commission Hearing Room, 4200 Smith School Rd. –Pampa — Gray County Courthouse, 2nd Floor Courtroom, 205 N Russell —courtesy Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.