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TPWD Biologists Predict Strong Whitetail Deer Population

TPWD Biologists Predict Strong Whitetail Deer Population

Deer population looks strong ahead of Archery-Only season opener


Texas Parks and Wildlife Department biologists expect the 2021-22 white-tailed deer season to be one for the books. Last year, TPWD biologists estimated the overall white-tailed deer population to be 5.4 million deer. While that estimate is down from the previous two years, TPWD biologists say if fawn recruitment predictions hold true this season, coupled with good carryover of deer from last hunting season, hunters and landowners can expect to see an increase in the overall statewide white-tailed deer population.

“White-tailed deer forecasts and expectations are, in large part, driven by habitat conditions that the deer are experiencing across their range in Texas in the eight to 10 months prior to the season,” said Alan Cain, TPWD’s white-tailed deer program leader.

“Though the end of 2020 was dry, and early 2021 experienced freezing conditions that delayed green up of important browse plants, the late spring and summer rainfall acted like liquid fertilizer for forb, grass, and woody plant production and has provided a buffet of natural forages for deer.”

Cain added favorable habitat conditions should boost the body condition of deer populations and set up deer to enter the fall and winter with a substantial layer of fat. The favorable weather conditions were also vital in helping bucks maximize antlers as they finish out the growing season. Antler quality is predicted to be well above average for the 2021-22 season. —courtesy TPWD

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