A lady hunter from Dripping Springs has her eye set on becoming an “Extreme Huntress.” She also wants to help more women and children get involved with hunting. Olivia Nalos was recently selected as one of 10 finalists in the Extreme Huntress Contest. “The goal for the Extreme Huntress Contest is to create positive roles models for other woman who are considering involvement in the outdoor field sports. Our outdoor heritage’s future is at stake,” Nalos said. “With divorce rates at 50 percent and the latest Census stating 41 percent of all children in the USA are born out of wedlock, we feel there must be more woman involved in outdoor field sports. What it comes down to is if mom goes hunting — then her kids will too — ensuring our outdoor heritage,” she added. Nalos’ passion is to educate the public about the important role hunters play as stewards of nature. Because of her appreciation for wildlife, and enthusiasm to help promote conservation, she’s involved in the hunting industry as a hunting consultant and adventure coordinator for The Global Hunting Network. In addition, she has appeared on various hunting television shows; has an online blog for NBC Sports; was published as a featured huntress in French author Maxime van Hanswijck de Jonge’s book titled, “La chasse au feminine;” acted as a co-host of “Inside Texas Outdoors” radio show; and is a certified measurer for Boone and Crockett, Pope & Young, Rowland Ward, and a Master Measurer/Certified Measuring Instructor for SCI.
Furthermore, she established the Nebraska Panhandle SCI Chapter where she served as chapter president and acted as SCIF Sables marketing committee chair. As the 2003 Mrs. Nebraska, America, her platform was to promote the importance of hunters as conservationists, humanitarians and stewards of renewable wildlife resources. With such a controversial platform she understood that criticism and adverse reaction would result, but remained eager to provide factual insight. Nalos hopes that fellow Texas Trophy Hunters might help by giving online voting support in this competition. Voting has already begun and will end Jan. 1, 2012. Besides winning the title, the winner will travel to Africa to hunt Cape buffalo in Zimbabwe and be filmed for a future episode of “Eye Of The Hunter” on NBC Sports starting August 2012. Visit http://tahoefilms.com/contests/extreme-huntress-contest/ to learn more about the competition.