Texas To Host Biennial Pronghorn Workshop
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and Borderlands Research Institute at Sul Ross State University will host the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 26th Biennial Pronghorn Workshop in Alpine, Texas, May 12-14, 2014.
The inaugural pronghorn workshop was held in New Mexico in 1965 to exchange ideas, discuss issues, and share the latest pronghorn management strategies and research. Since then, many states and Canadian provinces have hosted the pronghorn workshop, but Texas hasn’t hosted the meeting since 1984, when it was held in Corpus Christi.
“We are excited about hosting the biennial pronghorn workshop again; it is a great opportunity to highlight our state,” said Shawn Gray, Mule Deer and Pronghorn Program Leader for TPWD. “The main scope of the workshop is to share and discuss pronghorn research findings and management techniques among our colleagues throughout North America, which definitely benefits pronghorn.”
Keynote speakers for the workshop include Carter Smith, Executive Director of TPWD, Greg Simons, President of Texas Wildlife Association and owner of Wildlife Systems, Inc., and Dr. Dan McBride, veterinarian, outfitter, and pronghorn advocate.
The workshop will also feature presentations on current research projects, pronghorn management strategies, and status reports from states and provinces across pronghorn range. For more information about the workshop, program, registration, and important contacts please visit http://ww2.sulross.edu/brinrm/2014pronghornworkshop.html