Texas Legislature Proposes Bill To Protect Hunting
A bill filed in the Texas legislature proposes constitutional protections for hunting and fishing. Rep. Trent Ashby of Lufkin, Texas, authored the measure, HJR 61.
“We applaud Rep. Ashby for introducing this important bill,” said Ben Carter, Dallas Safari Club executive director. “Our club was proud to help with the development of the language, and we’re anxious to do everything we can to help it move forward. This is a measure to help ensure the future of Texas’ rich sporting traditions, outdoor heritage and effective fish and wildlife conservation.”
Ashby said, “I was pleased to work with DSC and other stakeholders on this important piece of legislation. Hunting and fishing is a fundamental right which Texans hold dear, and ensuring our future generations of Texans access to this tradition is essential.
Several other sporting organizations also were involved from the start, and more are expected to pledge support in coming days,” said Carter.
Read the resolution here.