TDA Opens Branch Office in Austin
The Texas Deer Association (TDA) announced the opening of its new Austin legislative office. The new office, located at 816 Congress Avenue, just three blocks from the Capitol, will serve as the center for the association’s legislative efforts and oversight, as well as provide a convenient meeting space for TDA members, state legislators and officials, and agency staff.
“The most important issues that affect our industry are the laws that regulate us coming from Austin. Last session, in 2013, there were 7,500 bills filed and one word in any bill could have negatively impacted an entire industry. So, it’s vitally important for the TDA to stay informed and be prepared,” says Ceci Wallace, TDA’s director of governmental relations.
“Having a permanent presence in Austin will help protect, improve and promote the interests of our industry to legislators and state agencies on a full time basis.” There will be many new faces in the upcoming session in January 2015, as almost 40 percent of the House and more than 40 percent of the Senate have been a member for two years or less, creating an even bigger challenge to communicate with the members.
Additionally, Wallace explains that the new office will provide ongoing accessibility to legislators and staff, as well as, state agencies, when the Legislature is not in session.
“The road to growing a successful deer industry runs through Austin, and having an office near the Capitol is an investment in the future for the Texas deer industry,” says Karl Kinsel, TDA’s executive director.
“By strengthening our relationships and proximity to the Capitol, we can better ensure the future of our industry and help protect the rights of sportsmen and landowners all across Texas.”