Dear Trophy Hunter Nation:
I don’t know about you, but I find myself saying “Wow” a lot these days, as well as just shaking my head and wondering when this crazy nightmare will be over.
If you follow us on social media (and I hope you do!), you’ve probably seen our series of posts with the theme “TTHA – Standing Together.” We believe that’s one of the best things we can all do right now, as much as possible – Stand Together. We’ve been using that series to promote the many small businesses that exhibit at our Hunters Extravaganzas. One way you can certainly help those businesses is by continuing to support them with your business – while following all proper social-distancing guidelines, of course.
And, speaking of Hunters Extravaganzas, we are hopeful and prayerful that this craziness has settled down enough by July and August for those to continue as planned. We’ve been in contact with the venues in Houston, Fort Worth, and San Antonio, as well as many exhibitors, and we are looking forward to being able to still bring you the “Granddaddy of All Hunting Shows.”
In the meantime, all of this has reinforced a lot of the things we believe in here at TTHA. It’s comforting to open my deep freeze and see a plentiful supply of wild game – although I’m really second-guessing myself for passing on a shot on a doe on opening weekend! We also see it as positive that many folks are choosing to exercise their second amendment rights and becoming first-time gun owners.
Most importantly, though, we see this as a time to reinforce what we call the Trophy Experience: spending time in the outdoors with friends and family. Personally, that’s one of the things I need to help me stay sane in an insane world.
As crazy as things are, I am confident that we will get through this together, Trophy Hunter Nation – and we’ll get through it by Standing Together.
– Dave Keith, President & CEO