Senate Puts Off Sportsmen’s Act Vote Until Monday After Thanksgiving
The Senate on Thursday was unable to unanimously agree to waive certain procedural rules to allow a vote on the widely supported, bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2012 (S. 3525), the most important package of measures for the benefit of sportsmen in a generation. It was on late Thursday afternoon, we learned that the expected vote on the Sportsmen’s Act would not take place this week. The Senate is not in session today, but is now expected to vote on S.3525 on Nov. 26 after Senators return from the Thanksgiving recess and after one more procedural vote.
We remain optimistic that with continued support from hunters, target shooters, gun owners and sportsmen the bill will get a vote on Monday, Nov. 26 and pass the Senate by a large bipartisan margin. All your phone calls and emails this week did make a difference and are appreciated. We thank you for your involvement. We will need you again. Be ready on November 26 to call your U.S. senators to ask them to vote YES on the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012, S.3525. We will update you when we have more information. —courtesy National Shooting Sports Foundation