QDMA Offers Student Scholarships
The Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) will award deserving students with scholarships to attend a Deer Steward course in 2015. Applications will be accepted from high school juniors and seniors or college students who are interested in a career in wildlife management.
For each of the in-person Deer Steward Certification Courses offered this year, QDMA will present at least one student with a scholarship to attend free-of-charge. QDMA’s individual Certification Program includes three levels of potential achievement: Deer Steward I, II, and III.
- Level I provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the four cornerstones of QDM: herd management, habitat management, hunter management, and herd monitoring.
- Level II focuses on the application of these principles through hands-on field experience.
- Level III must be earned through an individual’s long-term service to QDMA and/or the white-tailed deer. Courses must be taken in succession.
**2015 Dates and Locations:**
– Level I Course:
– May 29 – June 1 – Bogart, Georgia – Field Trip: University of Georgia Deer Lab research facility
– Level II Courses:
– June 26-29 – Cadiz, Kentucky, at the Kentucky Proving Grounds as seen on GrowingDeer.TV
– August 21-24 – Eden, North Carolina at Willow Oaks Plantation
Course details along with scholarship applications are can be found by at http://www.qdma.com/corporate/deer-steward-courses. Applications must be received by March 1, 2015. Interested students can contact Matt Ross, QDMA Certification Programs Manager, by e-mail at [email protected] or by calling (518) 280-3714 with questions.