Judge orders poacher to weekend jail-time during hunting season
Texas Parks and Wildlife reports a district court judge in Grayson County recently ordered a man convicted of poaching a big white-tailed buck to spend every weekend of hunting season in jail for the next five years. In addition to five years of probation, and over $18,000 in civil restitution penalty, John Walker Drinnon must report to the Grayson County Jail each weekend of deer season starting Dec. 30 for the full term of his deferred judgment period. The 34-year-old from Whitesboro, Texas, cannot purchase a hunting license while on probation. Drinnon admitted to killing a 19-point buck with a gross Boone and Crockett score of 202 inches with a rifle, in an archery-only county, while trespassing on private property—a state felony. TPWD photo