A “pin-up” style photo of a raw chicken lounging seductively was recently published in the food section of The New York Times. The photo was accompanied by a story about eating crispy chicken. Seems the chicken photo has PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) clucking. The odd thing is that PETA has models do those exact poses without clothes to grab attention for their twisted messages, but squawks when they see a featherless chicken in a similar pose. “When I saw it (the photo) I just couldn’t believe that an editor of The New York Times would find it acceptable,” said PETA’s founder and president Ingrid Newkirk to the The Atlantic Wire. “It’s downright offensive, not just to people who care about animals, but almost to everyone. It’s a plucked, beheaded, young chicken in a young pose,” Newkirk continued. Apparently she has no clue that when PETA does this with nude models, or when the group protests and shouts at passerbys, that decent folks, families with small children, and other non-radicals might also find PETA and its followers offensive. Yes, the Times stole a signature PETA move, and did a great job of spoofing the radicals.—courtesy U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance