The Pecos County Youth Hunting Club was established to increase the number of youths participating in wildlife and hunting activities, to get youth off the streets and couch, into the outdoors and to promote the hunting heritage in Texas for present and future generations. According to Demetrio Rubio, the club’s founder, “Our goal is to promote the highest ethical standards in hunting, to teach basic skills, values, techniques and responsibilities of hunting, to install in youth a basic understanding of practical conservation measures, to encourage wildlife habitat access, enhancement and management.” “Our youth will also participate in field trips where they will appreciate nature first hand, learn to identify wildlife, make new friends, experience a firing range, gun safety and get Hunter Education certified,” he added. Rubio appreciates the support he has received from the community and hopes he continues to receive it. He also appreciates all the support and sponsorship from Chris Sturdevant, business manager of Longfellow Ranch. Rubio also has some famous guest speakers who will visit the youth club in the near future. “An investment in our youth is an investment in our future,” he said. For further information on Pecos County Youth Hunting Club, call 432-336-2500 or 432-290-4563.