Past Journal Story – Hunt the Easy Way
by Gene Renfro
“Overcoming mishaps and obstacles along the way, one fortunate hunter finally learns taking a big buck cannot only be simple, but enriching.
After hunting the hard way for nearly 50 years, I finally learned how to do it the easy way. This learning process was slow and evolved over time. Before discussing the easy way, let me share with you some of the slings and arrows of hunting the hard way.
I began hunting out of an 8×10 tent with heat from a sheet iron pot-belled stove. The tent usually remained up for the season. More than once, I remember arriving on a Friday afternoon and having to chase the varmints out. When the varmint is a skunk demanding squatter’s rights, Houston, we have a problem.
Have you ever seen a tent with more than one entrance? Neither have I. If a tent had two entrances, it might be possible to open both entrances and gradually coax the skunk out the other. Since this was not possible, I made a quick trip to the local convenience store, bought a bottle of household ammonia, and tossed it into the far reaches of the tent. The skunk left. My hunting partner and I had to spend the next two days sleeping in the car.”
Read the full article HERE!