First CWD case discovered in Texas Panhandle whitetail
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department reports a roadkill white-tailed deer collected by agency personnel on U.S. Highway 87 between Dalhart and Hartley has tested positive for chronic wasting disease. This marks the first discovery of CWD in a Texas roadkill and the first case in a Texas Panhandle whitetail. “The roadkill was found along the border between the current CWD Containment Zone and Surveillance Zone, and as a result will likely necessitate a precautionary expansion of the Containment Zone,” said Dr. Bob Dittmar, State Wildlife Veterinarian with TPWD. “We do not believe there’s a need to expand the Surveillance Zone at this time.” TPWD staff will present a proposal detailing the expansion of the Containment Zone during the TPW Commission’s Jan. 24 public hearing. The proposed expansion will not result in any new requirements for hunters or landowners unless they are engaged in a permitted activity such as moving live deer.