MSR Ban Won’t Be In Dem’s Gun Bill
The Associated Press (AP) reports Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will not include a proposed modern sporting rifle (MSR) ban as part of gun control legislation up for debate in April. Reid said he wants to bring a bill to the full Senate that could withstand any GOP opposition, as well as any from Democrats who might vote against the party line. The bill would need 60 votes to begin considering legislation. Reid told AP that “using the most optimistic numbers,” there were less than 40 votes for the ban. Sen. Diane Feinstein, the author of the ban, said she was disappointed with the Speaker’s decision. Reid did tell Feinstein that there would be two votes at a later date on the Senate floor: one on her ban, which would include a ban on ammunition magazines that carry more than 10 rounds, the other would be just a vote on prohibiting high-capacity magazine clips. According to AP, many Democrats believe a ban on high-capacity magazines has a better chance of getting the necessary 60 votes.