Mom Saves Child From Mountain Lion Attack
A Colorado mother considers herself very fortunate her child escaped serious harm from a mountain lion last month. According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), the mother fought off one mountain lion that attacked her child outside her home. That cougar had been accompanied by its sibling. The attack occurred in the Lower Woody Creek community.
Mother and child received treatment for their injuries at a nearby hospital. A federal law enforcement officer working with the U.S. Forest Service killed the animal. CPW officers and a USDA Wildlife Services agent tracked down and killed the second animal. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victim and the family,” said CPW Northwest Regional Manager Ron Velarde. “This is a tough thing for any parent to experience. The mother’s reaction to fight the lion likely saved the child’s life and it is a good thing she responded like she did.”
Velarde added, “We acted out of an abundance of caution when we made the decision to kill the second lion. These two cats were traveling together and learning to hunt and survive together, and one of them attacked a child. We are not going to take chances in a situation like this. It is the right decision.” Wildlife officials say both lions were not old enough to survive on their own. Though not confirmed, they suspect the lions’ mother had likely been killed in a separate incident.
Both lions tested negative for plague and rabies.