Lonesome Dove Fest This Weekend
Ralph WIningham photo The largest tribute to the opening of the South Zone dove season is just around the corner. The Karnes County Rotary Club’s Lonesome Dove Fest will celebrate its 22nd anniversary starting Sept. 19 at the Karnes County Youth Showbarn with a special day of events dedicated to educating youngsters about the great outdoors. That Friday also marks the opening day of the South Zone dove season.
The main festival events will be held Sept. 20 and will feature a variety of displays and activities designed to educate and entertain those who enjoy testing their shooting skills against the aerial antics of mourning and white-winged doves.
Proceeds from the festival events allow the Rotary Club to award 12 annual scholarships to seniors from each of Karnes County’s four high schools, including two scholarships specifically dedicated to vocational students. In addition, funding has helped with the purchase of Jaws of Life equipment for emergency medical service crews; construction of little league fields; and Christmas gifts to needy area children.
Among the main attractions on Sept. 20 will be a parade through downtown; outdoor-related displays; a barbecue cook-off featuring normal barbecue fare in addition to wild game dishes; and a sporting clays competition offering hunters a chance to hone their shooting skills before taking to the dove fields and fence lines.
In addition, there will be a celebrity five-stand competition at 2 p.m. Sept. 20 when members of the media and area politicians will compete in front of a grand stand filled with spectators. Visit www.lonesomedovefest.com or cal 830-780-3314 or 830-780-2670 for more info.