Legislation moving on pesticide use on feral hogs, MLDP fee
The Houston Chronicle reports two pieces of legislation important to Texas landowners and hunters continue making headway. House Bill 3451 would amend the Texas Agriculture Code to prohibit the Department of Agriculture from registering, approving for use, or allowing use of any pesticide for feral hog control unless a study by a state agency or university recommends such action.
Rep. Lynn Stucky, R-Denton, filed the bill in the wake of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s emergency rules issued earlier this year. The rules allowed for use of the first pesticide approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for controlling feral hogs. A state judge suspended those rules due to numerous objections over the key ingredient in the pesticide—warfarin. The bill has moved out of its committee meeting and awaits a vote in the House.
Senate Bill 722 by Sen. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock, would authorize the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to establish a fee for participation in the Managed Lands Deer Program. Due to the program’s popularity, Texas Parks and Wildlife hasn’t been able to keep up with demand. Charging a fee would help the agency add more staff to do just that. SB 722 reported out of committee and awaits action in the Senate.