Hunting Boots and Your Feet
It’s the hottest time of the year, but hunting season is coming soon. Now is a good time to think about foot care and hunting boots. If your feet aren’t happy, your hunting experience can be miserable. It’s important to have the right kind of boot and foot care products ready for any problem that may occur. It might be cold, wet, hilly, sandy or a mixture of all the above. Choosing the right boot can make all the difference. It’s not a bad idea to get them early and wear them enough to really break them in.
The best choice is to get boots that you don’t even think about when hunting. They should fit, support, and protect your feet. You can then concentrate on enjoying the hunt! Many boot manufacturers exist. There are articles online that discuss the top hunting boots for several categories from upland, cold, hilly and rocky, to wet and slippery! Do some comparison research and find some that will work best for you.
If you’re turkey or goose hunting, a tall rubber boot may be the best option. Of course, there is a lot of personal preference that may go into your decision. You may have limited funds so a complete boot that can keep your feet warm and dry while climbing and walking through all types of terrain may be a good idea. Boots are much lighter now and have great construction with Thinsulate and Gortex material. Some have leather and rubber together. Once again, a personal decision, but it’s important to consider based on the type of hunting you’re doing.
I have a pair of boots that have an insert for real cold weather. That same brand carries different types of inserts based on how cold it will be when using them. Putting them on in the store and walking around in them is a must. This makes sure they’re the right ones for you. It would be a good idea to take the types of socks or liners you’ll be wearing so you make sure the size is correct. Silk sock liners are an option and they wick away moisture under your regular wool socks. Breaking the boots in at home by wearing them for extended periods of time helps to decrease the risk of blisters during your trip. Nonetheless it’s a good idea to take Band-Aids in the first aid kit as I have discussed in previous articles. Moleskin is another great option to protect areas that are rubbing.
A good foot powder, an antifungal spray or ointment, and hydrocortisone for bites are also good additions to your first aid kit. Another important thing to remember is to take a camp shoe for use after returning from your hunt. This allows for you to open your boot and enable it to dry out overnight. Pull the liner and insole out and unlace the boot enough to allow for air circulation. In the morning apply a foot powder in the boot or a good antifungal spray. Put on your gear and head out. Make a good decision on your boot and you will “enjoy the hunt”!—C.L. Hisey