Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resources must deal with potential problems cell phones bring to deer hunting season. It’s estimated 500,000 hunters will have mobile devices with them this season—challenging agency personnel, since using phones to aid in killing deer is illegal. “[Deer] haven’t adapted at all, but we keep inventing better, faster tools to harvest deer,” said Gary Drotts, DNR wildlife manager in Brainerd, Minn. “[Technological advances] do probably increase the harvest rates some. If so, we have to look at that and decide if we have to change anything,” he added. “The main thing people need to remember is that it’s fine to text or call another hunter and say, ‘I want to go in. It’s cold.’ Or, ‘I need help dragging this deer out,'” said Tim Collette, DNR officer in the Pequot Lakes area. “But where they cross the line is you can’t use electronics to aid in the taking of big game. You can’t say, ‘A deer is coming in your direction.’ Or, ‘We’re making a drive. Get ready.’ That’s aiding and abetting.” DNR officers now often ask to check hunters’ phone for text messages, though Collette reports he hasn’t caught anyone in direct violation.—courtesy mobiledia.com