How Wildlife Thrives Because of Guns and Hunting
Since the late 1930s, hunters, target shooters and the firearms industry have been the nation’s largest contributors to conservation, paying for programs that benefit America’s wildlife and all who love the outdoors. In fact, the U.S. Department of Interior just announced that firearms and ammunition manufacturers contributed a record $760.9 million in excise taxes in 2013 through the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Program. The National Shooting Sports Foundation has created a new infographic, “How Wildlife is Thriving Because of Guns and Hunting,” to illustrate how we as an industry and as sportsmen are the greatest contributors to wildlife conservation in America, providing nearly $9 billion over the past 76 years. Please spread this message far and wide. Share it on social media, post it to your websites — let the world know about America’s original and largest contributors to conservation: hunters, shooters and the firearms industry. View the full-size infographic here.