Hottest Trophy Areas Noted In New Book
MISSOULA, Mont.–A triennial record 4,921 big-game trophies were accepted into Boone and Crockett Club records during 2010-2012. These latest records are included in a new book that hunters can use to pinpoint North America’s hottest areas for trophies ranging from whitetail to walrus. “Boone and Crockett Club’s 28th Big Game Awards, 2010-2012” also celebrates the conservation efforts and remarkable hunts that combined to produce so many trophies during the three-year period. Stories about 95 of the top new trophies are featured. The book is part of a collectible series that stands as the Club’s most popular, historic, complete and continuing archive of trophy listings.
Each listing includes B&C gross score, final score, county and date of kill, hunter, rank and more. Wisconsin entered the most new trophies with 412. That total includes typical and non-typical whitetails plus black bear, but each state and province (as well as Mexico) boasts its own combination of trophy species and categories entered. Biologists use trophy data to gauge outstanding habitat, strong recruitment of game animals into older age classes, sustainable harvest objectives and other elements of sound wildlife management and fair-chase hunting. Hunters use trophy data to research destinations for their next big-game hunting adventure. Visit www.boone-crockett.org for more info on the book. Here’s Boone and Crockett’s top 25 areas: