Texas Trophy Hunters Association needs your help to make TROPHY HUNTERS TV®, a contender for the 2011 Golden Moose Awards. Each year, Outdoor Channel viewers choose their favorite outdoor television show as a Golden Moose “Fan Favorite.” Voting for the Golden Moose Award, “Fan Favorite” begins Wednesday, November 16, 2011. Viewers are encouraged to log on to www.OutdoorChannel.com to cast their votes for TROPHY HUNTERS TV® (you can also copy and paste this address in your browser bar: http://www.outdoorchannel.com/GMA.aspx in the FAN FAVORITE voting. Voting will continue until December 26, 2011. Please vote for TTHA in the following categories: Best Host/Personality: TROPHY HUNTERS TV® – Matt Hughes; Best Hunting Series: TROPHY HUNTERS TV®; Best Overall: TROPHY HUNTERS TV®.