Feral hog tails valued at $5 each
Guadalupe County’s program to reduce the feral hog population starts Monday, July 16. The program concludes Aug. 23. The county will value feral hog tails at $5 each. The program will consist of delivering feral hog abatement; an educational program including a bounty program; a feral hog workshop and webinar; a countywide damage assessment; and financial assistance to selected landowners who wish to trap hogs. Hunters must submit all tails and participation forms by Thursday, August 23, 2018. During that period, individuals can bring in feral hog tails and/or certified buying station receipts to the Guadalupe County AgriLife Extension office, 210 E. Live Oak Street, Seguin on Tuesdays and Thursdays only during regular business hours. Tails and/or receipts must be from feral hogs killed in Guadalupe County. Participants must complete a participation form and a W-9. The form must include the property owner’s name and contact information where the hogs were killed. Hunters may obtain a copy of the form from the Extension office or the Guadalupe County Extension website. The Forms will reach the Guadalupe County Auditor’s Office in a timely matter for payment. Program participants can accumulate points to make them eligible for a voucher program to purchase hog trapping equipment. A scoring system will determine eligible participants for the drawing at the program’s conclusion. Officials will award at least eight $500 vouchers. The more you participate in the bounty and educational programs, the better chance you have for selection. Hunters cannot intentionally breed feral hogs just for the program. They cannot bring in hogs from outside county borders. They have to dispose of the animal carcasses.