New knife law begins Sept. 1
Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation repealing illegal long-bladed knives in Texas statute. The governor signed HB 1935 into law on June 15. The law will effectively allow for Bowie knives, daggers, dirks, stilettos, poniards, swords, and spears to be legally carried nearly anywhere in the state, according to the Knife Rights, Inc. The law stipulates knives with blades over 5-1/2 inches are now defined as “location restricted” knives. These knives may be carried throughout the state except in a narrow list of places such as schools, colleges, correctional facilities, houses of worship, and bars that derive more than 51 percent of their income from alcohol sales. Minors are also restricted as to when they can carry these knives. The new law goes into effect Sept. 1. Until then, existing restrictions on the aforementioned knifes remain in place.—courtesy Knife Rights, Inc. Hmaag Wikipedia photo