With the holiday season upon us, many are wondering what gift to give a family member or possibly a friend. If that person on the list likes hunting, fishing, trapping, or shooting, the answer is easy—give the gift of opportunity. Many states make next year’s hunting and fishing licenses available now—in December and in time for holiday giving. Some states that also require special permits to use state-managed gun ranges also have these available for purchase. The states that offer lifetime hunting and fishing licenses have these available during the holiday season and these type gifts give fond memories for the lifetime of the recipient. Several state game departments also offer calendars with a portion of each sale going to support important conservation work. Right now, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department can use a bit of a revenue boost. The Lone Star State’s sales of hunting and fishing licenses are down by nearly five percent, with freshwater fishing packages taking the biggest hit—down by 32 percent—according to Lone Star Outdoor News. If you have someone who simply enjoys the outdoors on your list, consider purchasing and giving a federal migratory duck stamp. The sale of these stunning mini-artworks goes toward purchasing additional acres and supporting the National Wildlife Refuge System. In fact, ninety-eight percent of the proceeds from the $15 Duck Stamp go to the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund and refuge support. More details are at http://www.fws.gov/duckstamps. Visit that site also to see some of the nation’s top waterfowl artists’ entries and to learn more about waterfowl species. You’ll be glad you did. Finally, a recent National Shooting Sports Foundation report reveals that the majority of hunters reported they wished for hunting apparel as the gift they hoped to receive this year.—courtesy U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance