Funding Grants Now Available for Target Range Construction, Improvements
Target range and recreational shooting facilities looking to expand or improve their operations, grants are now available through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to help fund construction and enhancements to shooting or archery ranges. TPWD, with support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Federal Assistance, administers a target-range grant program to provide funding for qualifying applicants from both the private and public sectors that open their shooting facilities to the public and offer hunter education. Grants are awarded annually in three grant cycles, with deadlines of June 15, October 15 and February 15. “Our goal is to increase opportunities and accessibility for the public for recreational shooting, hunter education safety training, and hunter sight-ins,” said Nancy Herron, TPWD education director. “We are delighted to be able to invest in quality local ranges and are looking for good applicants.” Non-profit organizations, individuals and groups such as commercial target range operators, shooting clubs and local governmental agencies that provide target range access to the general public for recreational shooting and hunter education classes are eligible to apply. More information about the target range grant program, including details on applying, is available online.