Feral Hogs Threaten Water Quality?
Researchers at Louisiana State University wanted to know if feral hogs threaten water quality. LSU’s Agricultural Center School of Renewable Natural Resources, in conjunction with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, have conducted the research.
They’ve learned feral hogs are having a detrimental effect on water quality on some water bodies in central Louisiana between Alexandria and Natchitoches. The research, conducted from June 18-Sept. 1 in 2015, revealed that pathogens were extensive in sampled water bodies on private lands adjacent to Kisatchie National Forest and were regularly associated with feral hogs.
The water at all 40 sites in the study contained one or more pathogens that were potentially unsafe for human or wildlife contact. “We learned through this study that there are some alarming pathogens in the water and feral hogs are implicated in the spread of these pathogens,” said Scott Durham, LDWF Director of Species Management. The Outdoor Wire has the full report.