Poacher must pay fines, court costs, and serve two years probation
The second largest whitetail buck ever in Texas could be headed to the record books with an asterisk: poached. Earlier this week, a Denton County man pleaded no contest to poaching the trophy deer, which scored 278 points under the Boone & Crockett scoring system, last October near Pilot Point, Texas. Travis D. Johnson of Aubrey, Texas, received sentencing in Denton County Criminal Court on Monday, Jan. 22, of two years of probation and 40 hours community service, plus court costs. He also faces in excess of $53,000 in civil restitution fines from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and cannot purchase a hunting license for the duration of his deferred adjudication period. “What an ill-fated legacy for what could have been, and should have been, a remarkable testament to Texas whitetail deer,” said Col. Grahame Jones, TPWD Law Enforcement Director. “It’s tragic that in the pursuit of this magnificent specimen, Mr. Johnson chose to violate hunting’s code of ethics and the game laws designed to protect our state’s precious wildlife resources. It’s something he’ll have to live with.” Almost immediately after news of the huge buck broke on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017, Texas game wardens became aware of rumors alleging Johnson may have taken the buck after legal hunting hours the night before. A photo circulating online showing Johnson posing with the field dressed deer during daylight hours, along with comments that he had taken it with a bow the previous evening, prompted concerns from wardens about the care and disposition of the venison, considering the warm temperatures.
Hunting story falls apart
Hunters are required to keep the meat of harvested game in edible condition. Denton County game warden Stormy McCuistion met with Johnson at his residence the afternoon of Oct. 8 to inspect the carcass. Johnson said it had been discarded at a different location due to concerns about the meat possibly being infected. Johnson claimed to have wounded the buck on Sept. 30, but was unable to retrieve it. When he saw the deer on images captured by his game trail camera a few days later, it exhibited entry and exit wounds. Since then, Johnson explained he began pursuing the animal in earnest in hopes of putting an end to its suffering, going so far as to spend the night in his hunting stand to avoid spooking deer. He said he got his opportunity at about 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017 and dispatched the buck with his bow. After inspecting the deer carcass, game wardens then went to the area where Johnson claimed to have killed the big deer to confirm the details of his story. During a conversation with the landowner adjacent to the property where Johnson hunted, game wardens became suspicious about the timeline. The landowner recalled texting Johnson at about an hour past dark on Oct. 7 asking if he was okay since he noticed he had not returned to his vehicle. Johnson replied that he was safe, but didn’t mention taking the big buck an hour earlier. —image and article courtesy TPWD