Grizzly bear hunting to end Nov. 30
The British Columbia government announced last week grizzly bear trophy hunting will end throughout the province effective Nov. 30, 2017. Grizzly hunting in the Great Bear Rainforest will stop, said Doug Donaldson, Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Minister. “By bringing trophy hunting of grizzlies to an end, we’re delivering on our commitment to British Columbians,” Donaldson said. “This action is supported by the vast majority of people across our province. “We owe it to generations past and future to do all we can to protect the beauty and uniqueness of the Great Bear Rainforest.
We believe the action we’re taking goes beyond the commitment to Coastal First Nations made as part of the 2016 Great Bear Rainforest agreements.” Officials estimate 15,000 grizzly bears live in British Columbia. Each year, hunters take approximately 250 bears. Hunting for meat will be allowed to continue. During the fall months, the government will consult with First Nations and stakeholder groups to determine next steps and mechanisms as B.C. moves toward ending the trophy hunt. Additionally, the government will move forward with a broader consultation process on a renewed wildlife management strategy for the province. “The key elements of that strategy will include dedicated funding for wildlife and habitat conservation and a collaborative process in developing short and long-term plans for wildlife resources,” Donaldson said. Courtesy BC Gov News USFWS photo