Archery Only Season Opens This Saturday
Bowhunters rejoice! Archery only season opens Saturday, Sept. 27 for whitetails, mule deer, and Rio Grande turkey. Remember, it’s now legal for anyone (other than a convicted felon) to possess a firearm while hunting deer or turkey during archery only season; but it’s still illegal to USE a firearm to take a turkey or deer during the archery only season. Also, Knox County now has an archery season.
For you tech-savvy hunters, Texas Parks and Wildlife now has a smartphone app that will let you report turkeys, or other game species you’ve taken. The TPWD Wildlife Harvest Survey app is available for iPhone and Android devices, as well as the 2014-15 Outdoor Annual app. Get ‘em both today. If you’re one of the ones who gets to take a game animal with your bow this weekend, be sure and snap some photos and share them with us on our Facebook page or our Twitter feed.